Board of Evangelism

Evangelism is for Everyone!

What does the Board of Evangelism do?

  • Helps with public outreach events such as the Trunk R Treat, the Easter Trunk Hop. 


  • Welcomes visitors and guests at Christmas by putting up a tree and giving away special ornaments to thank them for visiting. 


  • Sets up and provides staff for the church resource table for various outreach events. Hand out info about our church and faith and talk with visitors about All Saints and its programs and ministries. 


  • Organize a yearly prayer tent ministry on the National Day of Prayer as an outreach for our community. As well as once a month. Minimum of two volunteers needed.


  • Host special workshops and training to equip our church members to share the gospel using a friendship model instead of impersonal door to door visits. 


  • Work with the Small Groups coordinator to encourage church members to join a small group Bible study and to invite friends to join them in a Bible study group. Including the all church study in Lent. 


  • Encourage witnessing and sharing of testimonies of faith, by all members of church boards, groups and the congregation as a whole. This is done each month by the Church Health Team on Saints Alive Sunday.


  • Assist all boards and groups with advertising for church publicity and for events and programs. This includes digital, paper and outdoor banners. 


  • Host a booth at Redmond lights in December and summer farmers markets, along with the Early Learning Center. This boosts our visibility in the community.


  • Create and post inspiring social media with daily messages on Facebook and Instagram.


  • Create and post digital advertising on our public and members only Facebook pages, our Instagram account and church website.


  • Display and maintain outdoor banners. Change out the seasonal message on the outdoor sign. 


  • Assure All Saints involvement and support in mission projects either by supporting the missions supported by our chapter of the LWML or by involvement and support of missions and mission trips that Board of Evangelism wishes to highlight. 


  • Encourage the church boards and congregation to pray for church growth and worldwide salvation. Evangelism oversees the Prayer Ministry and trains volunteers for the various prayer teams.

If these tasks speak to your spiritual gifts or interests, please let Pastor Dolby know you are interested in serving. Or you can email: 

Members serve two year terms.

Our Purpose:

The purpose of the Board of Evangelism is to reach out, with the congregation in order to spread the gospel within our community and the world. This is done using a two pronged approach, that uses inreach and outreach programs and events. 


We help with Inreach to our members:

Our board will work with other boards and groups within the church body. We help to plan, advertise and implement various inreach programs and events to equip our members to share the Gospel with others in a natural way. We encourage our congregation to participate in daily Bible Study and to be part of a Small Group Bible Study. 

In this way our members are equipped - by the study of God's Word- to go and share the gospel message of hope and salvation. We encourage our members to have conversations with friends and family about faith. We encourage members to share about their own faith walk and what Jesus means to them. First by sharing that story with others in the congregation, and then with friends and family. 

We help with outreach to our community:

We encourage our members to invite their friends and family to come to church services, so they can hear the Word of God. We also encourage our members to invite friends and family to join in a Bible Study group. This helps others grow in faith and the knowledge of God. We encourage our congregation to participate in our many outreach events to the public, where they can share God's love and mercy with all.

By encouraging personal growth in faith and by helping others grow in their faith, our congregation will fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..." 

Want to attend a meeting or suggest and idea for inreach or outreach? 

Board of Evangelism meets each month usually on the SECOND Sunday after church. This is a lunch meeting so location varies. 

Please send a request to join our meetings ONE MONTH in advance and share your agenda with us.

Want to volunteer to help at on of our events? Contact: Evangelism at

Board duties according to our Bylaws:

1) Provide evangelism and witnessing training. 
 2) Encourage witnessing by all members of the congregation. 
3) Assure All Saints involvement in mission projects. 
4) Assist in publicity for the church. 
5) Pray for church growth and world wide salvation.

Group Pages