Bible Studies

Our Bible Study Groups are on Summer Break and will resume meeting again in September.


Sundays at 9:30am

  • "Promises Fulfilled" with Patrick Callahan at the back of the Sanctuary


  • 'The Acts of Apostles' with Shibu Samuel in the library


  • Confirmation Class with Pastor Dolby in the LSC. Confirmation students can find the schedule HERE


  • Sunday School for children K-4 in the LSC


  • Teenagers are encouraged to participate in the Bible study groups during Sunday school hour.




  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Dolby. Meets in the Sanctuary at 10:30AM. Questions? Contact:


  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study with Pastor Dolby. Meets in the Living Stone Center at 6:30PM. Questions? Contact


  • Friday Bible Study for women. The “Lydias” Meets Fridays at 10:00AM in the church library.  We are currently studying "Twelve Extraordinary Women" by John Macarthur. Study guides will be provided. Contact Julia Sinclair at:


  • Pastors Saturday Book study. Meets in the church library at 9:30am.  The first, second and third Saturday of the month. Currently studying "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis. Contact Pastor Dolby.


  • Facebook Daily Bible Reading Discussion Group Reading through the Bible using a two year plan. We have scripture readings, Monday-Saturday. We skip Sundays. Group members post their insights and questions and discuss. Contact page admin Julia to join. Moderated by Pastor Dolby.

Being in God's Word

Our vision

Our vision is that every person attending All Saints Lutheran Church would also be a part of a Bible study group. 

We offer Bible study groups of different kinds both during the week and on Sunday. As we read our Bible and study God's Word we learn to live more like Jesus. His love for people will then pour out of us like living water. 

All Saints has a church-wide study each year for Lent. This can be done together with your family, friends and in a small group. The materials and structure for this church-wide study are provided by the church, but group leaders have a lot of freedom in what the group session will look like. 

In addition to studying God's Word together, the groups also provide prayer support and fellowship. Studying the Word together is a perfect opportunity to learn to know God and fellow believers more deeply. It can be like a family that supports you in your faith walk and helps out at times of trouble.

We also have Bible study groups on Sunday mornings and during the weekdays. Groups usually come together once a week in homes, at the church, or online, to study God’s Word. The group leader of these Sunday and weekday Bible Studies chooses their own materials.

To attend a Bible study you don’t have to be knowledgeable about the Bible – the whole point is to learn and grow together. This form of fellowship works for new and mature Christians alike.

Why study the Bible?

Small Groups give us a deeper understanding of our faith and a stronger connection to others as we pray and support each other.

There can be no true and lasting life change apart from the Word of God. See the story of Lydia from Acts 16. She heard the Word and the Holy Spirit opened her heart to understand. After hearing Paul share the Gospel message, she received Christ as her Savior. Her faith was born through the hearing of the Word! 

Too often we allow the secular distractions of life to rob us of our time with God. Take time to be in His Word today! 

Why be part of a Bible Study?

Ask yourself these questions:

Am I being spiritually fed by God's Word? Just as we eat food each day to sustain our bodies, we need to partake of God's Word each day to feed ourselves spiritually. (see Matthew 4:4)

How do I keep in touch with my church family? Being part of a small group keeps you in touch with your church family outside of the usual Sunday Service. Your church family is here to support you in your faith walk and to help out in times of trouble.

What am I doing to tell others about Christ's love and forgiveness? We can equip ourselves to share this good news naturally when we take time to be in the Word each day.

We are called to be Ambassadors for Christ

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he says we are to be ambassadors for Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). By being in God's Word each day with a devotional and being in community in a Small Group we are equipped and supported to become His ambassadors. 

Let the Lord work through you to bring His message of love and forgiveness to others! Share with others how God has worked in your life. 

Be in His word each day with a daily devotional and prayerfully consider attending a small group each week. You will be spiritually fed and gain a stronger connection to your church family.


Please check the schedules of each group above. You are warmly welcome to visit and join any of the groups!

Being a part of a small group provides you with opportunities to be supported in your faith and encourage fellow believers in their walk with Jesus. By time your small group may become like your family!

If you have any questions, please contact

For current group leaders,

Thank you for your faithful service to the Lord through All Saints! You can find group leader resources provided by Pastor, Julia and Marjaana here: Bible Studies - All Saints Lutheran Church (LCMS) ( Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.

For those considering starting a group,

Would you like to start your own Bible study group with the support of Pastor Dolby and other small group ministry leaders?

During Lent All Saints offers a church-wide Bible study. This is a perfect opportunity to start a small group of your own! We look forward to having several new groups start at that time around our area.

We can also help you start one during the year. We are happy to provide you with ideas on study materials and a basic 1-on-1 training on how to facilitate a group discussion. 

Let Pastor Dolby, Lay Deaconess Julia Sinclair, or Spiritual Gifts Coordinator Marjaana Kuivalainen know if you are interested!

"In John 17, Jesus prayed for the disciples. He prayed for God to Sanctify the disciples, to set them apart for His service. How was this to happen? John 17:17 tells us: the truth, Gods very Word, would do it. The more we focus on biblical truth, the more it will work within us to make us fit for God's work."(D6 FUSION: Teaching guide P.34 - Righeousness -Sept.Oct.Nov. 2021)

Group Pages